He says he has the largest family and one would think he's right.

Charles Mulli had become a successful businessman in his native Kenya. However, one day after being introduced to Jesus, he decided to sell everything he owned, including properties and businesses and used the proceeds to help street children. That was in 1989. Since that time he and his wife have helped over 28,000 children escape homelessness and neglect, and they call each one of them their kid.

Special event Wednesday night

Charles along with his wife, Esther, and children Ndondo and Stella, will be speaking Wednesday, Oct. 25, at North Kildonan MB Church (1315 Gateway Road) in Winnipeg. The event takes place at 7 p.m. and while admission is free there will be a freewill offering taken to support the work of Mully Children's Family

"We're going to be sharing about what God has done (through the orphanage," Ndondo says about the upcoming event. She says they will be sharing about the miracles that have taken place over the last 34 years of ministry. "There's no big a miracle as seeing a child who was dependant on drugs, who was hopeless, who had no future at all, brightening up and being a leader, taking up ... you know, others are doctors (now), others are teachers, they're pastors, all professions," she said.

Ndondo says that MCF works hard to help children break the circle of poverty, but they need the help of Canadians to do it.

Charles's passion for abandoned children comes from his own life experiences. He grew up with an abusive father who left their family, and at the age of six, he was abandoned by his own mother. 

He says when he heard a preacher speak on forgiveness through Christ he was able to begin moving forward. Thirty-four years later, it's the love of God for those who are hurting and lost is still driving him forward, and passionate to help tens of thousands of other orphans. 

a poster showing the event time and date