Three Guinness World Record holders will compete in a last-man-standing cycling competition Tuesday morning to raise funds for hungry children.

One of the participants in the Ultimate Showdown is Arvid Loewen, a two-time Guinness World Record holder from Winnipeg who has effectively used his ultra-marathon cycling platform for the past 19 years to share his passion to help destitute children. To date, Loewen has raised over 11 million dollars for Mully Children's Family, a street children rescue mission in Kenya, Africa.

He will be joined by Australian Reid Anderton, who holds a Guinness World Record for cycling around Australia. Andrew Hllinga, also from Australia, is the third racer. He is the Guinness World Record holder for most kilometres cycled in 24 hours facing backwards.

Reid and Andrew are raising funds for Eagles Wings, a children's ministry in Zambia, Africa.

"I had this idea that we could do head-to-head. I came up with this concept of simply riding until we can no longer ride, and we simply say, I'm not getting back on that bike," Arvid explained. "The reality is, we are trying to create a platform where all of us are able to raise funds for our respective organizations with the people who have supported us over the years."

The competition will get underway at 8 a.m. on July 4. Cyclists will bike around an 11-kilometre loop at Bird's Hill Park until they run out of energy.

The Ultimate Showdown will continue until the last cyclist declares it over. 

The first-place winner will receive $15,000 to give to their charity, second-place $10,000 and third-place $5000.

Although each rider will receive a monetary prize for their charity, Arvid has a substantial goal of raising $500,000 for Mully Children's Family, which would provide 1 million meals to children in need.

"Charles Mully has 6500 kids that he cares for, Loewen explained. "In addition to that, he is reaching out to the most impoverished community schools around their 11 centres, and at times he feeds an extra 30,000 kids from these community schools."

Those interested in helping out can visit Arvid Loewen's Facebook page, or stop by Bird's Hill Park Tuesday morning.