A Christian school has accepted a kindness challenge and is blessing their 'next-door neighbours' this Christmas. 

St. Aidan's Christian School on Hargrave St. has students ranging from Kindergarten to grade 8. 

"This year the students at our Hargrave campus were wanting to counteract some of the bad attitudes around Christmas," says Ashleigh Braun, the Administrative Assistant at St. Aidan's. "What they decided is that they wanted to focus on everything that they had and share it with other people in the community and around the world."

The student leadership at the school decided to take part in a Kindness Challenge. 

"They decided to take Parkview Seniors care home under their wing. Many seniors are isolated because of COVID and the staff are overworked and in need of some love."

The care home is directly across the street from the school so it is fitting to bless this 'neighbour' at Christmas, according to Braun. 

"The students decided that they wanted to give every single resident and employee a small Christmas gift. That's about 550 people and our Hargrave campus has 95 kids."

Not only are they giving gifts but the students are writing a Christmas card for each person as well. 

"When we talked to the care home, the two biggest needs were warm socks and nice smelling soap. Often the soaps that they get are more industrial," she says. 

Stores they spoke to about their big purchase offered discounts and even more.

"One store donated all of the soap that we needed for free," says Braun. 

The staff at the care home will be receiving little chocolates or hot chocolate, moisturizer from a local hotel that have little bottles, and another company donated gift certificates to a spa.

"One of the coolest things about it is more than 75 per cent at Hargrave campus are newcomers to Canada," she says. 

A portion of funds is also going to Advancing Indigenous Missions (AIM). For anyone who wants to join in the giving, they can call the school at 1-204-944-9674.

"It's when we give to others that we mirror what Christ does at Christmas. He came to earth in order to give Himself to us," she says.