Winnipeg Handi-Transit is changing its name.

Manager of client services Josie Fernandes says they've had some complaints about the name on-and-off for years now.

"We had a session with a lot of clients back in January of this year and that was one of the questions that we posed to them, was if they wanted a name change, and overwhelmingly they said yes. And we felt it was just time to update the language, given that the name Handi-Transit is from back in 1977," she says.

The new name is meant to be more inclusive. It's been narrowed down to three options, and Winnipeggers can vote on which they like best: Winnipeg Transit Plus, Winnipeg Transit Link, or Winnipeg Transit Connect. Fernandes says their policy advisory committee chose the final three out of 58 suggestions from registrants and stakeholders.

Voting is open until November 21st. Fernandes says the name change probably won't happen until early in the new year.

"When the name is chosen, like when we get all the votes in, there will be an announcement made and we will be going out and doing kind of open houses and so forth with our registrants to let them know about the name and some of the other changes that are coming up here in the service."

The service is implementing new scheduling and client maintenace software in 2018 and that will bring about some other changes, says Fernandes.

You can vote on the service's new name on its website or you can call their contact centre at (204) 986-5722.