Manitoba's NDP announced Thursday that, if elected this October, the party would commit to building a new Mature Women's Centre at Victoria Hospital.

“Women deserve the best health care as they age,” said NDP leader Wab Kinew. "We won’t let women’s health care be ignored – we'll make it a priority.” ” 

The Manitoba NDP also committed to expanding pharmaceutical coverage for menopause hormone therapy replacement drugs, known to help prevent osteoporosis, prolong life and improve cognitive health. 

The PCs closed the Mature Women’s Centre in 2017, after more than a decade of serving patients at the Victoria Hospital. The Centre provided care such as menopause transition, hysterectomy alternatives, and other gynecological services in a team-based setting. 

“The Mature Women’s Centre was ahead of its time in approach, delivery and outcomes. It was solely focused on working in partnership with the woman to address her needs and concerns,” said Beth Brunsdon-Clark, a nurse at the former Mature Women’s Centre. “The patients who experienced the Centre’s authentic services and caring knowledgeable professionals would say they had the best care during a transitional time in their lives.” 

NDP leader Wab Kinew is back on the campaign trail later today to make another healthcare-related announcement at Concordia Hospital.