Judith Knotts is a failed violinist and tap dancer. She is interested in how human beings develop and become who they are.

Dr. Knotts’ journey into the homeless world began when she was in her sixties, after taking part in a three day street experience. She believes change always brings with it an invitation to become our best selves.

At 80 years old, Judith is still driven by her faith to give up the warmth of her bed to spend nights on the streets connecting with the homeless of Austin and listening to their stories. Now, she is sharing those stories and the lessons she has learned from living among homeless people in her memoir, You Are My Brother: Lessons Learned Embracing a Homeless Community. 

Although it’s a collection of stories, at its core, it is an inspirational book meant to connect all of us to a distinctly different environment and to each other—stimulating reflection and possibly change, encouraging us to really see this faceless community of dwellers.