A Christian band from Manitoba has paired up with World Vision once again to travel across the ocean and see the work being done in Nepal, in the name of Jesus.

Lead singer Jordan Janzen and Larry Abrams who plays guitar and sings backup of The Color share what the experience has been like so far. 

"We're in the Himalayan foothills of Nepal with World Vision," says Janzen. "We've partnered with World Vision Canada for 11 years now."

In the past, The Color has visited Guatemala as well as India with the ministry.

"We're visiting communities, seeing the work that World Vision is doing locally within Nepal and gathering stories so that when we come back to Canada we can let people know. It's a cool opportunity for us."


The trip has been a long journey after the members flew for over 20 hours followed by a 7-hour drive to get to the nearest city.

"We’ve met some incredibly strong and resilient young men and woman.. and then some incredibly strong mothers and fathers that just want a better future for their kids. For them to dream and be able to actually fulfill those dreams."

After The Color comes back to Manitoba for a few days they'll jet off once more as they start touring with The Newsboys starting May 10 until the end of November.