A Manitoba family of six is embarking on a once-in-a-lifetime adventure.

At the start of February, Rachel and Eric Driedger and their four children, Maisie, Micah, Abram and Zeke, packed up a few bags, hopped into a vintage camper and drove south, first hitting the United States, before hopping on a plane and flying further south to Central and South America.

"I just really love to travel," said Rachel. "I wanted to be able to take our kids and expose them to travelling, different cultures, different people groups and difficult situations."

The trip started in San Diego, California. From there, the Driedgers packed their backpacks, caught a bus, hiked to the border and entered Mexico via Tijuana. Eric says they flew to Mexico City and spent a week with friends there who are doing mission work.

"That was our first introduction to a really different culture," said Eric.

From Mexico City, they flew to a small city in Mexico named Chetumal before bussing into Belize.  

"We stayed in a nice little house on a citrus orchard owned by some Canadians from Rose Town," said Rachel. "They happened to be down there in their main house, so we were able to spend time with them. It was nice having people help us and guide us."

The Driedgers spent a month in Belize before bussing into Flores, Guatemala. From there they overnight bussed to Antigua and then through El Salvador and Honduras, arriving in Nicaragua where they spent three weeks. After that, they spent one day in Costa Rica before ending up in Peru.


"I enjoy that we get to live in other people's realities for a little while," Rachel explained. "It was nice to talk to the kids about how other people live every day and we get to experience for a short period." 

The Driedgers hope this trip will allow their children to do difficult things. 

"I am really hoping they have farmer confidence at the end of it," said Rachel. "Like scary things aren't bad things, and difficult things aren't bad. There is always an opportunity to grow and change."

The Driedgers plan to stay in Peru for a month. After that, they will continue the trip or return home depending on their finances. 

Those interested in following the Driedgers on this once-in-a-lifetime trip can follow them on their Facebook page or blog.