The Winnipeg School Division trustees voted unanimously Monday night to acknowledge treaty land in the morning announcements.

This will be put into effect across the division's 78 schools, which will be heard by about 33,000 students before the singing of the national anthem. The statement will read "Out of respect for the indigenous people of Manitoba we at (insert school's name) and the Winnipeg School Division recognise the school we attend resides on Treaty One land known as First Nations Territory as well as the homeland of the Métis Nation."

This decision is not changing requirements in the Manitoba Public School Act as it is only within one school division, however other schools throughout the city and country have also been making similar decisions.

Although this is a new addition to the experience of most students, the school board itself has been making similar acknowledgements as a start to their board meetings for some time now.

Schools aren't the only places that have added some kind of acknowledgement of Treaty One land. The Winnipeg Jets were the first National Hockey League team to do so last year.