Advent has begun. According to a local priest, five minutes a day doing this one thing can change the season for everyone.

Advent begins on December 1 and ends on December 24 with one of the four themes representing each week. The themes which are reflected in bible readings at the services are hope, joy, peace, and love.

Father Michael Wollbaum, of St. Charles Roman Catholic Parish says, "Advent is a time for us to be watchful and prepared for the coming of Christ Jesus anew in our lives."

Historically, it was focused on the first coming of Christ, "when he became man for our freedom and salvation from sin," Father Wollbaum says.

"We'd be more alert to opportunities of grace and more alert to recognize His love."

Advent is also a time to "spiritually prepare and make more room in our lives and hearts for God through good deeds, like giving to others in need, forgiving and reconciling, and prayer," Father Wollbaum says.

Father Wollbaum believes this season has become too fast-paced and distracted from the true meaning of Christmas and Advent. "So many people this time of year are running around and sometimes they are out of love and energy and don't have time for each other.

His advice is for everyone to slow-down. "Even just take five minutes of our day to pray and remember God.

"If we could do that, we would be so amazingly surprised as to what kind of Christmas we would have. We'd be more alert to opportunities of grace and more alert to recognize His love. We can be grateful and joyful for the spirit and season of Christmas," Father Wollbaum says.