A new film has many Christian leaders excited, and it comes to Manitoba theatres this weekend.

Lee Strobel was the legal editor of the Chicago Tribune, and when the atheist Strobel's wife became a Christian, he decided to put the faith to the test in hopes of disproving the faith.

What Strobel found instead was the undeniability that there was a God and that Jesus was who he said he was: the Son of God.

Strobel recounted his faith journey in the best-selling book, The Case for Christ: A Journalist's Personal Investigation of the Evidence for Jesus. That book has now been turned into a movie recounting his, and his family's, faith journey.

Pastor Greg Laurie is one of many Christian leaders excited for the film, saying, "This is one of the most powerful evangelistic movies I have ever seen! It connects on every level—logically and emotionally. This is a film you can take your non-believing friend to and not cringe. In fact, you may see them come to Christ like my friend Lee Strobel!"

The movie will be showing at Winnipeg Polo Park, and Landmark Winkler.