A team of people from Winnipeg area churches is getting ready to head to Kenya on a medical missions trip.

Debbie Rempel is leading a group of 14 people, which includes six from The Church at Pine Ridge, to serve at Mully Children's Family -- a well-known orphanage in Kenya -- in February.

Rempel fist travelled there on another medical missions trip in 2013 with her husband and daughter and said since then she and her family have been very connected with the orphanage. "It was better than one would ever think," she says about the original trip. "It's one of those things where you walk away more blessed."

Rempel says that as a nurse and a mother it was an eye-opening experience. "Our world's are so different. (This trip) gives the ability to really understand where the children have come from, and what life is like for them, and how determined they are to make life better for themselves. And of course, for Charles and his organization, that is their goal, to change Kenya one child at a time."

While the team is setting up base at Mully Children's Family, it's really meant to reach the wider community. They will be providing medical assistance to those from the surrounding area.

The group will be in Kenya from February 16 - March 3, 2018. While there are already 14 people signed up, more people are welcome to join them. You can find out more details here.

You can also help the team help more people, by joining them at a special fundraiser this Friday, November 3. The team is hosting a dessert and auction night at North Kildonan Mennonite Brethren Church (1315 Gateway Rd.). All funds will be going towards the clinic and projects at Mully's this winter.