Houses in the Dominican Republic will be built from sugar cookies and lemonade from Winnipeg this December.

Over the weekend a group of young people were seen operating a lemonade stand in a Winnipeg suburb. That's not such an uncommon sight over the summer months. However, the reason they set up shop may have been a bit different than most.

These girls didn't want to save up money for new video games or a trip to Disney. Instead, they were raising funds to travel to the Dominican with a local charity called Shine the Light.

The ministry was started 18 years ago by husband and wife, Brent and Wendy Wong. Multiple teams travel to the Caribbean island each year to not only build houses but also provide medical and dental clinics as well as run children's groups, and programs for adults teaching them job skills and English.

Melissa, one of the moms, says that she's dreamed of being able to serve alongside her own children in missions abroad. 

The group is asking for prayers for safe travels and good weather while they're there. In the meantime, you can take part in helping them get there by buying cookies and lemonade.

On Saturday a steady stream of customers and supporters resulted in the girls raising $970 in just a few hours. In fact, they've had such a great response from the community that they've started their own Facebook page, so people can stay up to date on their progress and even make special orders.