A Winnipeg woman says Jesus is the reason she is free of an addiction to cocaine.

Tara says she hit rock bottom before she entered Adult and Teen Challenge (ATC). 

"I was addicted to needles, crack, pills, everything," she says in an ATC video reflecting on her past. 

tara ATC good
She says it is the place that sparked a change in her life. "I entered Adult and Teen Challenge and that's where I found Jesus and he changed me." 

Tara is now free of addiction and sees life from a new perspective because of her faith. "Today I am sober and I have joy and peace for the first time," she says.

The impact of ATC in her life inspires her to give back to other women struggling with addiction. "I volunteer with Adult and Teen Challenge working with women who struggle with drug addiction because I know what it's like," she says.

Tara hopes to uplift and encourage other women battling addiction. "I just want women who are struggling with drug addiction to know, there is hope," Tara says. 

If you are seeking help for any addiction you can call ATC at 1-888-822-9992.

Join CHVN from December 10-12 for the Be Part Of A Story radiothon in support of Adult and Teen Challange. Help us make more stories like Tara's possible!