In the middle of a medical emergency, you may not be thinking about clothes.

Health Sciences Centre in Winnipeg has a clothes depot that services patients in psych health, emergency, and others.

Evelyn Casey, manager of volunteer services at HSC, says they're looking for gently used, comfortable clothes.

"You know, jeans, sweatshirts, t-shirts, that sort of thing. In particular, footwear. We're always looking for casual footwear, so running shoes. Winter's coming... we'll be looking for winter jackets soon, fall jackets for both men and women."

Casey says they purchase the underwear and socks themselves.

She says HSC always has a need for volunteers, as well.

"We are always looking for daytime volunteers to work with our adult population, our adult patients. So we're looking for adult volunteers, anyone over 18, and in particular mature volunteers -- people who are comfortable working in a hospital setting."

Donations needed and applications to apply can be found on HSC's website.