Speaking to reporters earlier this week on a flight from Dublin to the Vatican, the Pope was asked what he would say to parents who have a gay child. 

Jesuit priest and editor of America Magazine, James Martin, was on the flight on August 26 and tweeted the interaction.

He says the Pope responded that parents should simply say, "You are my son or daughter, as you are."

Martin says the Pope continued, "I would say first to pray, don’t condemn, dialogue, understand, make space for them. Let them express themselves."


The Pope urged parents to maintain a close relationship with their children though they may disagree with the lifestyle.

"But I’ll never say that silence is a remedy. To ignore a son or daughter with homosexual tendencies is a lack of paternity and maternity. You are my son or daughter, as you are; I’m your father, mother, let’s talk . . . don’t throw them out of the family."

He also urged counselling.

Martin later said that he "welcomes the Popes very pastoral words."  He also commented that "My sense of his comments on psychologists is not 'conversion therapy,' but that children and young adults often need age-appropriate counseling (sic) during that critical time in their lives."