As churches ramp up towards the fall season, Give the Word stopped by to give us an update on their ministry.

Give the Word's mission is to make Christ known through the giving away of God's Word. They want to partner with churches across Manitoba in spreading the good news.

"We've ordered 15,000 [Bibles] that are designed for people who don't have a relationship with Christ," said Ryan Rempel, director of Give the Word. "We are making [these] available to the churches of Manitoba to use this fall."

Give the Word will give 100 Bibles to any church that wants to make God known in their area.

This was possible because of a couple sponsors who came on board and donated the money to purchase the Bibles.

"If we can equip churches to help their congregations [share the gospel], we're happy to do that," Rempel said.

To be a part of this ministry come fall time, call Give the Word and talk to Rempel.