Winnipeg Mayor Brian Bowman was in Steinbach Tuesday to meet with Mayor Earl Funk. 

Funk says it was a chance for them to get to know each other and discuss common issues.

"We had a great afternoon talking together about building our communities and the growth that is happening in our communities. He asked a lot of questions about our longstanding use of development fees because we have a developer-pay mentality in Steinbach. Those development fees cover the cost of our growth."

Funk says that Winnipeg introduced development fees a couple of years ago and is struggling with the implementation process.

"You know, growing pains. This is what we talked about. This is part of growing our cities and the challenges of having development pay for its own growth."

Funk says Bowman also invited him to visit or call anytime to discuss questions that Steinbach is dealing with as it continues to grow as a city. He says mayors often get to see each other at social functions but this was an opportunity to develop that relationship further.