Calvary Temple has opened its doors for a time of prayer and worship this week leading up to being filled with hundreds of young adults this weekend.

The Collide Conference is back for year two, but this year with an added experience. Leading up to the conference, Co-Director Jordan Bochinski says, "There's something super practical that we're doing this year. It's called the Light Room. It's a room of prayer and worship that will take place from Monday, April 29 until Friday, May 3. It's open to anyone to come to the Buntain Chapel at Calvary Temple and we're just longing for the presence of the Lord to come and dwell with us ahead of Friday and Saturday's conference."  

Throughout the week, worship and prayer leaders from across Manitoba have come to lead. The Light Room is open 10 a.m.-8 p.m. on Thursday and 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. on Friday.

According to the conference's website, "The Light Room exists to help establish a culture of worship and prayer in our city. We believe this is what all great moves of God begin with. By providing a space for people to come, intercede, and rest in the Presence of God, we hope to inspire an ongoing movement of worship and prayer that continues long after the conference itself ends."