A woman from Kleefeld tried preventing development Wednesday afternoon by standing in front of an excavator.

April Forgo was among several residents who protested a 69-lot residential subdivision in her community when it was first brought before Hanover Council last June over concerns of deforestation. Now, she is taking a literal stand against the new construction.

“Today I saw it happening and I thought you know what, I am going to go out here and the excavation is going to have to stop,” says Forgo. “I totally support Kleefeld development, I love that Kleefeld is growing, but not at the expense of the ecosystem.”

An excavator knocks down treesExcavators are clearing brush for a 69-lot subdivision in Kleefeld.

Art Enns does the property marketing for Kleefeld Development, the company in question. He says the RM has approved the work that is taking place and, technically, Forgo is trespassing. Still, in recognition of her concerns, Enns says his the contractors are trying to be accomodating.

“We’re doing what we can to maintain the tree structure behind her residence,” he says, “but I understand her feelings; when she bought the property there were acres of trees there and now there won’t be.”

While the developer is clearing the area of much of its foliage, Enns says they are trying to preserve the green space by installing a natural playground structure for the neighbourhood kids.

As of 3:10 p.m., Forgo says the Steinbach RCMP arrived at the development and respectfully asked her to stand down. She obliged, moving back from the construction site, and plans to continue protesting from her yard which is nearby the development.