As Winnipeg continues to grow and the number of people using transit increases, the need for a new route network is necessary. 

The project team at Winnipeg Transit is finishing up the final stages of designing its new route network and is excited to share those plans with the public. 

"The routes we have now grew over time with the city. They’re long, with plenty of twists and turns. Most wind their way back and forth between outer neighbourhoods and downtown, where traffic is heaviest. This makes staying on schedule more challenging, and that makes service less reliable," said the City of Winnipeg in a press release.

The network being proposed is more like a grid, with the Primary Transit Network working like a spine, while feeder routes connect riders to the spine, or in other words, help riders travel shorter distances within communities.

“We’ve heard from Winnipeggers that they want a transit network that is more frequent, reliable, efficient, and accessible,” said Mayor Scott Gillingham. “Launching the Primary Transit Network is the first big step we’re taking under the Master Plan. It’s going to help us transform and improve bus service in Winnipeg.”

Winnipeggers looking to learn more about the proposed route network can Watch a video for an introduction, attend an in-person public information event or visit the project page at

The project team will finalize the design and present the recommended network to Council in June.