The kindness shown by a Winnipeg Police officer to a homeless man and his dog is restoring hope for Callista Moore.

On Tuesday, November 19, Moore was driving down Maryland with her boyfriend. At the corner of Portage they noticed a man they assumed was homeless with his dog.

In front of Moore's vehicle was a police cruiser. When she saw the police officer pull over and flash his lights, she says she honestly expected the worst.

"I was confused," she says. "I was concerned the police officer wasn't too thrilled with the man sitting on the street."

To Moore's surprise, the officer went to his cruiser's trunk and pulled out a bag of dog food and offered it to the homeless gentleman. 

She says of the homeless man, "He was shocked, definitely."

In Moore's experience, she says, "I have not seen too many positive interactions between the homeless and police officers.

"It kind of gave me hope for society, amidst al the crime in the city."

Moore has taken the event as an encouragement to herself to be kinder to those she interacts with.

She says, "Even if it's just a nice word, it can brighten somebody's day."