For one Winnipeg pastor, this Easter season gives us plenty of reasons to remain hopeful while shut-in and isolated.

Like many Christians across the city, Cody Anderson, Associate Pastor at Faith Covenant Church, took in Easter weekend services online. This was the first time he had been part of a service while physically distanced from other believers, and while it felt strange, he says he received stories of connection from other church members.

"I received a text message from one of our oldest parishioners who is a widower. He said this, I just finished watching the online service. I am alone, but not really because Jesus is with me, I felt his presence. What an amazing gift as a pastor to see God work through your feeble gifts in a strange situation, yet be so surprised by the outcome and be reminded that this is God's church and that He is continuing to move."

On a personal level, Anderson is reflecting on the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew chapter six. "I've been focussing on the words of Jesus where he says do not worry about tomorrow, each day has enough troubles of its own. Many of us are worried about the future, we don't know how it's going to go. Jesus tells us to stop and think and realize that He has given us the strength for this day, not for three months from now but this day. Its the only day that we can live, and He gives us the strength for it."

In addition to pastoring, Anderson is also a singer/songwriter. Anderson's song, "God Won't be Long," speaks to the current season of waiting that we are experiencing.