A Winnipeg pastor is preparing for a special trip.

Mark Doerksen, Lead Pastor at Willowlake Baptist Church, will hop on a plane this weekend and head out on a Canadian Foodgrains Bank tour to learn more about food, food security and food sustainability.

The Canadian Foodgrains Food Study Tour takes place January 25th- February 11th.

Doerksen, who will travel with ten others from across the country, talks a bit about what the trip will look like...

Doerksen, who grew up in a farming community, has always wondered what his connection is with farming and food, especially since moving to the city. He says he hopes to gain a better understanding while on this trip. He says he is also using the tour as part of his doctoral studies at Carey Theological College.

Doerksen shares what he is looking forward to the most out of this trip...

The group heads out Saturday and will return on February 11th.