Matt Pierce is hoping to have a huge impact on the non-believing community with his documentary project titled "Anchor." 

The documentary tackles, in Pierce's words, "life's big questions" like: Who are we? Where do we go after we die? Why are we here? 


Anchor Logo used with permission from Matt Pierce.

After attending university in BC, Pierce found himself facing a lot of these questions from people around him and after watching the Bill Maher documentary Religulous which mocks faith beliefs, he decided to make a documentary of his own in response. So far Pierce has managed to secure some prominent names in both the Christian theologian and atheist camps and continues to grow his cast. Pastor, author, and international conference speaker Paul Tripp stands tall on the pro-Christian/pro-faith side while he's contrasted by professor, writer, and one of the "Four Horsemen of New Atheism" Daniel Dennett on the pro-atheist side.

Pierce shared that, much to his surprise, the atheist community has been the biggest support for the film thus far. He believes that they seem to be the community most interested in engaging these tough questions from both a faith and non-faith side.

You can find more information about the project at his website If you're interested in supporting or getting behind him in the process you can contact him through his website as well.