An Easter spent in self-isolation wasn't going to stop worship pastors from getting their teams worshipping Jesus with one voice.

As COVID-19 continues to restrict churches across the country from gathering together, worship teams are getting creative. That includes experimenting with technology to get everyone performing together despite being separated not just six feet apart but in some cases hundreds of kilometres.

Adult & Teen Challenge of Central Canada has residential programs in Thunderbay, Ont. and a men's centre in Winnipeg, Man., and a women's centre in Brandon, Man.

Pastor Terry Thiessen is used to forming a worship team with all three centres and touring across northwestern Ontario and Manitoba with them. With Easter on the horizon, he figured it was the perfect chance to form another team despite the separation.

"The coronavirus gave us an amazing creative opportunity to bring three centres together to still praise God with one voice!"

Several churches form 1 choir

In eastern Manitoba, several churches teamed up to form a community choir, while all staying in their own homes.

Mike Burnard is the worship pastor at Emmanuel Evangelical Free Church in Steinbach, Man.

His church, along with Steinbach EMC and Ridgewood EMC, formed a virtual choir for Easter Sunday. They sent out a recorded piano track to the participants who then listened to the track on one device while recording themselves on their cell phones singing along.

The end result was a united choir worshipping Jesus together on Resurrection Day.