Chiropractic care does not start and stop in the doctor’s office. 

Dr Clark from Connect Chiropractic says, “Dr Jane and I are big believers to want to help the spine in moving properly but also there is that rehab component as well, stuff you can do at home to try and help keep it in its normal alignment.” Think of it as homework.

Warning Signs

Your body may give you some warning signs that things are just not right. The most common ones are neck pain, and headaches, including tension and migraines.

Dr Clark says that headaches are not normal. It’s a warning signal from your body that something’s not functioning properly.

Signs such as numbness and tingling in the hands as well as pain radiating into an arm or a leg – like sciatic pain are all warning signs. Other signs could be low back pain as well as poor posture.

Dr. Clark agreed that he experiences quite often that when his patients come to see him, they have been waiting way too long and the symptoms are the last thing to show up.

Their advice is to start with a consultation with a chiropractor, express your health concerns so they can get an idea if there has been any trauma that is mental, physical or emotional or biochemical in the past that has led to these problems.

Next would be a thorough exam checking range of motion, x-rays to see what’s going on structurally. This will give them an idea if there’s any osteoarthritic changes or degenerative changes that have gone along with that.