Students composed a song for their school that they performed for the first time yesterday morning.

Linden Christian School (LCS) celebrated Music Monday this year with a special musical debut.

With the help of singer/songwriter Jaylene Johnson, a group of LCS students collaboratively wrote a school-wide song.

A total of twelve students, nominated by their music teachers, took part in the songwriting process. Accompanied by Johnson, the group came up with "Because He Loves Us," a song that speaks about the inherent strength of all believers through God.

Josiah Herms, Sophie Janzen, and Miranda Pollard were three of the students who were chosen to help create the school song.

"God's love will lead people in different ways, but however it leads you, go to that place," explained Janzen, grade 10.

Herms, grade 11, described the tune as "something that just picks you up."

"It's an upbeat, happy song and it's got great lyrics."

"There are a lot of scary situations in life," Pollard shared, "and when I just rely on my own self, I can't make it through them. But because God loves us, and He is always with us, we can do basically anything. We can be courageous, and free, and we can forgive and stand together."

The grade 11 student added that she hopes this song will continue to unite students at LCS in the future, which is a K-12 school. Students from every grade contributed ideas and concepts to the songwriting process, which were combined to form a song Herms, Janzen, and Pollard hope will represent all ages at LCS.

"I hope that it can kind of unite the school the way it did while we were writing it," Pollard said. "It's kid-friendly, some of the lyrics are for the kids, for them to hold onto, and some of the lyrics are also for the older kids, so they can take the song seriously."

For Johnson, seeing the whole process come to life Monday was an emotional experience.

"As a songwriter, sometimes we write songs... and it gets shelved or put into a catalogue, and so it's really gratifying as a songwriter to get to hear work come to life in such a big way," Johnson said. "It was such an amazing experience, the kids did such a great job."

The songwriter also shared her testimony at Monday's chapel, speaking about the loss of her ability to sing and encouraging students trust the plans God has for them.

"God is just calling me to trust him," Johnson said, "and if I can share through my music with other people that God is good and that God is faithful, God is challenging me to hold onto that and trust in that for myself too."

"Basically everything stems out of the fact that God loves us. We have a relationship with God because God loves us and any good works that we do, any blessings in our lives, any focus in our lives, even just living... is because God loves us," Johnson remarked on the theme of LCS's song.

Most importantly, however, Johnson highlighted the ultimate beauty found where faith and music intersect, and the core inspiration behind the songwriting process she and the students from LCS engaged in.

"The reason why we sing is because God loves us."