Now is an excellent opportunity to start a fitness routine before the sun is gone and winter is upon us, a Manitoba health expert says.

"We still have a few months before winter to get more nature--or Vitamin N--to soak up the sun, move our bodies and breathe in the fresh air," Cheryl Pearson, a Healthy Living Facilitator with Southern Health-Santé Sud, says.

According to the Public Health Agency of Canada, physically active people are more productive, experience positive, health benefits and are more likely to avoid illness and injury."

Pearson says fall doesn't have to feel like a let-down after summer, the cooler temperatures can make going outside more bearable along with fewer bugs, the harvest, and the colours autumn provides.

She explains to find something you enjoy and follow what she calls the three Cs: commitment, conveniences and consistency.

"It doesn't have to seem like exercise to be a great workout. Raking leaves or doing some fall outdoor yard work is a great way to get the heart pumping. Learn something new like fall hiking, sign up for fall programs with your recreation departments, carry runners and invite walking meetings, join a running, cycling or walking club in your area to meet new friends."

She notes with planning, staying active in the fall doesn't have to be difficult; be mindful of the weather, wear appropriate outerwear and find alternative options if you can't go outside.