The Christian ministry, Samaritan's Purse, is sending a small disaster relief team to assess the greatest need after the people of Beirut, Lebanon try to recover from Tuesday's blast.  

On August 4, a warehouse housing 2,000 lbs of ammonium nitrate exploded in the capital, causing a shockwave that broke windows and destroyed buildings, within a 6-mile radius. 

Over 200,000 people are homeless, roughly 4,000 have been injured, and over 100 people have been confirmed dead from the explosion. 

Frank King, the News Media Relations Manager at Samaritan's Purse says, "At this point, we are sending just a small team. Working with our Lebanese church partners, the team will assess the situation in Beirut and how Samaritan’s Purse can help. After that, we will know our next steps."

This second world country is in need of much help. Grain silos that housed future rations have been partially destroyed as well, causing the potential for starvation to climb. 

King says, "We know that no matter what happens in this broken world, God is in control and we are thankful He’s given us resources to be the hands and feet of Christ to people in crisis."

The ministry is asking for prayers and financial help for the people of Lebanon. 

"The easiest and fastest way to help [financially] is to visit our website," says King. 

The ministries next steps will be announced once the initial assessment is complete.