The President of Providence University College and Theological Seminary is "[providing] an invaluable roadmap to an important educational paradigm shift," according to one glowing review of a new book which he co-authored.

Dr. Kent Anderson's upcoming book, co-authored with Greg Hansen, is called Theological Education: Principles and Practices of a Competency-Based Approach. The book, poised to reshape theological education, introduces a competency-based approach, aiming to bridge the gap between academic learning and practical application.

Anderson describes the competency-based model as "mentored proficiency in context," emphasizing the importance of practical learning guided by mentors. He highlighted the need to prioritize real-world application over conventional academic structures, stating, "It's about demonstrating proficiency in described outcomes rather than checking boxes."

Anderson says it's still necessary to maintain theological rigour within this practical framework. "We're not compromising on deep biblical understanding," he clarifies, "but ensuring that students can effectively apply their knowledge in real-world scenarios."

Recognition of prior learning emerged as a crucial aspect of the competency-based approach, with Anderson underscoring its role in expediting progress for individuals with existing competencies. "If you've already got it, we're not going to waste your time," he says, highlighting the efficiency inherent in this method.

The book, targeting educators, churches, and employers, offers a comprehensive guide to implementing competency-based education. Anderson stressed its applicability across diverse fields, noting, "Everything's theological when approached from a Christ-centered perspective."

Virtual book launch

Providence is hosting a virtual book launch scheduled for March 14. 

Many early reviews from those in theological education celebrate the book as having the potential to revolutionize educational paradigms.

Anderson and Hansen's book offers insights that could help a new era in theological pedagogy, promising to equip future leaders with the practical skills needed to navigate complex real-world challenges.