With the change in season, many people are spending more time outdoors. Make sure you're doing your part to help keep your neighborhood clean and safe.

Despite a small concentration of fires having been set within the city over the past few weeks, Winnipeg's arson rates have not increased in the past year, according to Mark Reshaur, Assistant Chief, Winnipeg Fire Paramedic Service (WFPS).

"This time of the year is also typical for an increase in activity because warm weather puts people out on the street, outdoors, doing a lot more activities, and thus there is more opportunity for people to engage in acts of arson." Reshaur explained, also noting that activity of this nature often occurs in "spurts".

"The best thing you can do is make sure your property is clean and secure," Reshaur advised. This includes the prompt and proper disposal of garbage, lumber, leaves, and bulky waste.

WFPS wants property owners to leave their unwanted goods in a secure location until they've made arrangements for it to be picked up, or properly disposed of it themselves. "Don't leave it outside, along a lane, leaning against a garage where someone can easily and quickly set fire to it."

In fact, a number of cases involving fire over the past few years have not been caused by arson, but rather were due to the "inappropriate disposal of smoking debris". Large quantities of peat moss mixed into soil, and debris have caught fire when not properly disposed of in a timely manner.

Reshaur also asks that everybody ensure that they have a working smoke alarm in their home, which they test regularly, and is replaced approximately every ten years to ensure general fire safety.

"People need to be looking after their places."