Even though the storm hasn't quite started yet across Winnipeg and southern Manitoba, the forecast has Manitoba Hydro on standby for potential power outages.

The forecast is showing rain and freezing temperatures, which can cause power outages. So far, Manitoba Hydro has been dealing with three outages in rural Manitoba, though they don't know whether they were weather-related or not.

"We can advise that, should there be weather as predicted, it will cause the potential for problems," Bruce Owen, a public affairs officer for Manitoba Hydro said this morning. "We advise people to be patient. We will convey information on our social media feeds."

Owen says that Manitoba Hydro has people ready to go in case of an outage, and they try to keep their social media updated with the approximate resolve time.

It's best to be prepared, Owen says, in case it happens. "It may be a momentary outage, it could be a longer outage," Owen said.

Owen recommends that people have the following items:

  • flashlight with extra batteries
  • bottled water
  • food that doesn't require cooking
  • blankets
  • manuel can opener

Manitoba Hydro also says to keep your fridge and freezer closed if possible. A full freezer can keep food frozen for 48 hours, while a fridge will keep food cold for four hours. You can add ice or snow to the fridge if the power appears to be out for a longer time.

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