After releasing four Bible balloons into North Korea, a South Korean church is worried about a formal police investigation into the launching.

A few times each year, the church released the balloons to travel across the border. These balloons are tracked using GPS transmitters by ministry staff.

The balloon release is designed to help provide people with Bibles in North Korea, Mission Network News reports.

Paster Eric Foley says a formal investigation was called into the four groups in the country that participate in the launching. Three of the groups launch balloons with political information; Voice of the Martyrs (VOM) Korea launches their balloons with Bibles.

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Foley is upset that their 15-year understanding with the South Korean government seems to have suddenly been forgotten.

"Suddenly, balloon launching has become dangerous and balloon launchers [are] criminals, and we’re considered crazy," he says.

Limitation on freedom of the press in the country is one reason Foley says it is hard to share what is happening during this situation.

Foley says after the investigation into the balloon launching was launched, police raided two ministry workers' headquarters and the homes of leaders.

The ministry office is now under 24-hour-a-day surveillance.