If you drive past 333 King Street in Winnipeg you might be wondering what's going on with all the heavy equipment and rubble.

 Amber Skrabek, Director of Communications and Marketing, reassures that all the demolition and rubble is good. "We're making room for some new development there," she said.

Formerly the location of Garage Masters, Youth For Christ Winnipeg had acquired the property earlier in the year through much prayer and answer to prayer. They've been working toward the goal of bringing down that building and looking to develop that space next year.

"We're really excited about the possibilities. It's really a big step to get that building down which will make way for some of the development that Youth For Christ Winnipeg is looking forward to doing next year as God provides," Skrabek said.

In this first step of developing, they are excited to add parking and a parent drop off loop that's safer and better lit. They'd like to have additional green space and a welcoming prominent entrance on King Street which is actually the front of the building and not on Main Street.

2019 marks 65 years of ministry for Youth For Christ here in Winnipeg. Thousands of kids come through the doors every year and Skrabek said they are hoping to increase that even more. A part of the way to do that is to create a safe and welcoming entrance way that makes it easier for school buses and parents to access the building.

Skrabek said that everything they do is contingent on God's faithfulness and the faithfulness of their support partners. She said that if anyone is interested in being a part of this transformation of the entrance way to contact Youth For Christ Winnipeg's executive director, John Courtney.