The City of Winnipeg says they never come door-to-door to sell a product or test your water.

In addition to individuals from private companies coming door-to-door, claiming to provide unnecessary and expensive water testing or treatment solutions "approved" by the City of Winnipeg, some residents may have received a notice via text message informing them that their water service is being turned off.

The City says, "These text messages are not sent by the City of Winnipeg."

Adam Campbell, Communication Officer for the City, says, "We do not have any information on the origin or purpose of the false water turn off text message notices.

"Residents are reminded that the City does not send text messages to notify residents about water service turn-offs. If the water needs to be turned off for a water main repair, residents will be notified by letter. In the case of a water main break, there usually isn't time to notify residents before the water is turned off. The water can flood streets and private property causing damage and safety hazards, and must be controlled as quickly as possible."

If Winnipeggers receive a visit at the door from an individual they don't know, claiming they are there to test the water, the City advises a few ways to protect yourself:

  • The City of Winnipeg does not authorize door-to-door salespersons to perform water quality testing.
  • Occasionally, the City of Winnipeg staff will contact homeowners regarding water quality issues. In all cases, our staff will have identification to verify that they are City employees - and on no occasion will City staff attempt to sell any product.
  • If someone visits your home claiming to be a City of Winnipeg representative, ensure to ask for photo ID before allowing them to enter your home. All City employees will have an official City of Winnipeg photo identification. If you have any concerns about the identification of a City employee, contact 311.
  • In most cases, the person asking for a water sample is not a City of Winnipeg employee but is representing a private company that sells home water treatment equipment.
  • These private companies use a variety of methods to convince homeowners to purchase expensive home water treatment/filtration systems.
  • Door-to-door water tests do not tell you about water safety.
  • Homeowners should use discretion if presented with information indicating that their tap water requires additional treatment, especially if they are being pressured to sign contracts right away, or advised that prices offered are only available for a limited time.