A Winnipeg teen is going above and beyond to give the children of Churchill a special Christmas.

Skylar Ferguson is in grade 11 at Oak Park High School. Last year she focused on Sustainable Tourism in Churchill, MB, for her science fair project. In turn, she was invited to represent Canada to present her project at the International Science Fair in Australia. In May 2017 Churchill, Manitoba endured a catastrophic flood that wiped out its rail line in 19 places. The lack of rail line left the Churchill residents without ground transportation in and out of their remote community.

"The people of Churchill are being affected greatly by the loss of their rail line. Because supplies and food can only be transported into the town via air, the prices have gone up astronomically.  That is why I have decided to set up a food and toy drive." 

Ferguson would like to see all 200 plus students that attend school in Churchill, receive a gift.

"I have also set up a GoFundMe Page called Christmas for Churchill, for those who are unable to make a food or toy donation, but would like to make a monetary donation."

Ferguson is a forward thinker and isn't afraid to network with local organizations.  Frontiers North Charter Planes has generously offered to ship some of the donations to Churchill. 

Donations can be dropped off at a variety of locations across Winnipeg, including Breezy Bend Country Club, and all three Academy Lanes locations.