A pastor in India says he heard the Lord tell him to "store food."  Then, his church provided meals to 3 million people.

When the COVID-19 pandemic began to launch the world into lockdown, Pastor Satish Kumar worried for his congregants, Joy! News reports.

Kumar began his ministry in 1995 in Hyderabad, India. 10 years later, he was pastoring a fast-growing church, having gone from 25 members in 1995 to 130,000 in 2015.

Today, Kumar says their church has 8 satellites and a membership of 330,000 people.

The pastor says God told him to begin storing food in March.

At the time, Kumar thought of God's interactions with Joseph in the Bible. In the Old Testament, God used Joseph to store food in Egypt to prepare for a famine. The lockdown's limitations on access to food and groceries, especially for his poorer members, made Kumar see a parallel between Joseph's story and his own.

aterials, either, which would have been disapproved of by the Hindu authorities. There was simply a photo of Kumar and the church, pasted on the outside of the box, to show the carton's recipient who had packed their meals.

27/04/2020 - ఈరోజున కూడా దిక్కుతోచని స్థితిలో ఉన్న నిరుపేదలెందరికో నిజమైన క్రీస్తు ప్రేమను క్రియల్లో చూపిస్తూ....వారి...

Posted by Calvary Temple Bro Satish Kumar on Tuesday, April 28, 2020

By May 22, the church surpassed its goal of 700 tons of food. They reached 800 tons and 37,000 families have received a month's worth of food from Kumar's church.

That makes for a total of more than 3,000,000 meals.

Workers who delivered food were amazed at their impact. One worker arrived at a home with the food carton and was greeted by a destitute mother and her children. They were starving and near death, so the mother had decided to take her own life.

The knock at the door by the worker and Kumar's food package saved their family.